
Reacting vs. Responding: The Difference Between a Reactive or Proactive approach

All too often in therapy, people come in because they have exhausted all other efforts and feel that therapy is their last hope. They have expended all their energy, tried every way they can think of, and they continue in the same patterns of behavior or cycles. This level of exhaustion is incredibly harmful for the client, and of course, difficult for the clinician to navigate. In this scenario, we are dealing with a reactive approach and must be very wise in how we proceed because mindset matters, and what we think becomes our reality. When we begin to believe the negative voices in our heads, or maybe even the toxic voices of others in relationships that are harmful, we are filled with lies, doubt, fear, anxiety, depression, angst, frustration and more.  We question our own reality and often begin to wonder what we did to “deserve this,” or why this continues happening.

On the contrary, some clients come in because they want to work on effective communication. They feel like life is going well, their relationships are generally good, and they want to utilize therapy as a check point and gain additional tools to maximize how they live their lives. Often these clients have already done previous work, and they understand how detrimental it can be when they don’t take a proactive approach.

As a therapist, I can tell you, the former is much more typical than the latter. And completely normal. Most of us grew up with an emotional deficit of some sort. Very few people were taught the emotional tools to step back, assess and then respond. In fact, what we see often in couples, or marriage counseling is listening to respond(which is a reaction), rather than listening to understand(which is a response). This differentiation is so important, because when we listen to respond, we aren’t actually hearing or understanding and therefore we continue the “cycle of crazy,” many feel stuck in.

Let’s talk a little more about Reactive responses. Reactive responses come from a place of dysregulation. Generally, when we react to something we are in our emotional or survival brain, and in that space, the primary function is safety at any cost. So, when someone says something like, “I would really just appreciate more grace from you, I am tired.” We might react by saying something like, “I’m tired too! I can’t believe that you always make me feel like I don’t matter.” The listener in this scenario is reacting by trying to validate their initial response to something. This reaction says, “It doesn’t matter what I said/how I treated you, or that you are tired, that’s not an excuse.” What is really happening is the listener feels unsafe, so to create distance (which is generally not the thing anyone wants in relationships) they resort to competition style language to validate themselves.  In this situation, there is no healthy resolution (at this time). Regardless of the conversation beforehand, the reactionary response will generally illicit a reaction from the other person, and therefore we continue in the “crazy cycle.” Reactions generally take longer to work through, are harder to navigate because there is high level of emotions involved and is often a recreation of family of origin patterns.

Proactive responses, on the other hand, look a little different. Take the above scenario for example. In a proactive situation, the listener might respond with something like, “I appreciate you sharing that you are tired, and I would love to discuss your definition of grace and how I might be able to extend that to you. That being said, we have discussed this particular situation several times, and when it continues happening, I feel like my wants and needs do not matter. It makes me feel dismissed and that is hurtful to me. How can we also address this?”  The listener validated the speakers concerns, came up with a plan to define what grace means so they both have a clear understanding, and shared how they feel using “I” statements. They also addressed the issue of a pattern in a loving way. And approached the problem with a team mentality. Another way to be proactive is to pay attention to our own emotional responses and the responses of others. If the listener felt overwhelmed or felt as though the speaker is not in a receptive place, they might say something like, “I appreciate your sharing that with me, why don’t we take some time to (rest, relax, eat (fill in the blank)) and circle back around to this when we are both feeling better.”

It is important to remember that no one is a perfect communicator, we will all have times when we feel triggered and simply react (emotionally) rather than respond (thoughtfully). Communication is something we all must work on, and it requires effort. If one person is always the one to be proactive with no change from the other person, then we need to assess the healthiness of that relationship and sustainability. In your own life, if you feel flooded with emotions, overwhelmed or dysregulated, it might be a sign that you are operating in reactive mode and survival brain. Take some time to look for patterns in your language, thoughts, relationships, and life situations and talk to someone you trust about it. Sometimes it’s hard to gain insight when we are in the midst of it, so having an outsider perspective can help get us back on track.

Simply put, reactions (high level of emotions) generally lead to bigger reactions. Proactive choices (thoughtful/logical) generally provide insight and awareness and usher healthy change. We will also react instead of responding sometimes, and again, that’s normal. But if we all take accountability for our own responses and what we will allow in our lives, we can move toward a more proactive life and truly enjoy writing a story we will love. Nothing will ever be perfect, but it can be perfectly imperfect.

I don't care, you decide

Five little words with so much meaning. Often, we utter these words with a breath of exasperation because we feel deep within our soul that we can’t possibly stand to make one more decision. Let alone deal with someone not agreeing. We can find that when we are in Fawn response, or people-pleasing mode, that we go to this more than we do in regulated responses. There are so many things that need to be unpacked when we evaluate why we may say this.


Those of us who grew up not having a voice, or not being heard when we tried to express ourselves may utilize this as a default. Of course, we cared at one point, but over time, we were conditioned that what we wanted didn’t matter, so out of self-perseveration we adopted the mentality that we don’t care; at least that is our projection and how we present ourselves to the world. We also learned that others matter more, or their wants are of greater importance, so we even begin to internalize the message that we don’t matter, so why would we care about deciding, if no one else is going to care anyway.


It can also come from a place of decision fatigue. When we grow up with a caretaker mentality, are parentified at a young age, or are highly involved in adult relationships (finances, relationship problems, etc.) we may be accustomed to carrying the decision making within our family system. We may have learned that we needed to make decisions for ourselves and family systems, so when it comes to asking a question about something more trivial, say, “what would  you like to eat tonight,” we respond from a place of frustration or indifference because we have made so many necessary decisions throughout the day and are completely depleted, wishing that for once, someone else would simply make a decision, consider our needs, and step up to help out. This response is also from a dysregulated place, and we need to be aware that, while it is okay to ask someone else to help with making decisions, we cannot simply want others to know what we need.


Of course, there are times when we genuinely may not care, and are open to whatever someone else is wanting, whether that’s food choice or activity for the day, but often, this response does not feel good to say or to receive. We need to consider if there is a more effective way to convey this message, perhaps with further discussion, or better planning for the future. There are countless scenarios where couples have identified this phrase as a trigger in their relationship, and it is always important to assess the meaning behind the sentiment and what the other person might be hearing. We need to be mindful when we are in a dysregulated state, or we need to be open to someone safe in our lives helping us identify those times until we can be self-aware.


Language is so important, and one of my challenges to clients is always to say what they mean and mean what they say. The goal is to gain understanding of how they see themselves, those they love and the world around them, and what words they use in conjunction. Instead of saying, “I don’t care, you decide,” be clear, perhaps, “I am really struggling with trying to decide what I would like to eat tonight, and am open to most anything, the only thing that doesn’t sound particularly good is (fill in the blank).” Or even bringing light to the phrase, “I know my go-to is that I don’t care, but I do care, I would just prefer you choose something for us for Friday evening, maybe one of the places I have been saying I would like to try.”  When we break down communication, we don’t want to break down. We want to be clear, concise, and effective. It is okay for us to take up space, to express our needs and desires, and to be heard. It is okay for us to have needs and desires. To be tired. To desire someone else to know us and meet us where we are. It is okay to want someone else to help with making decisions, but we need to be clear about our wants and needs. We also need to be mindful of how we would feel if someone said this to us. Most of our responses are what I like to call automated. Over time our body has learned to respond in certain ways, and when our brain perceives these responses, it will do anything to keep us safe, since safety is a primary function. That being said, this concept is applicable to everyone, including the person who is on the receiving end of this phrase, and one thing we know for certain, we will not have a regulated outcome with two dysregulated people.


I don’t care, you decide might not seem like a phrase we would take this much time to unpack, but the truth is, we each have a responsibility to ourselves and those we love to take care of ourselves and show up in healthy ways. If this phrase often leads to frustration, anger, resentment, or arguments there is a good chance both of you are dysregulated and triggered in this scenario. Once we recognize the response and emotions, we can be proactive instead of reactive, and we can find healthier ways to communicate and have both needs met.